Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Inductive Bible Study February 15

IBS Monday February 15

Hebrews 5:8

Although He was a Son He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.

Jesus suffered the worst trials that any person could go through. He was tempted by everything we are tempted by. He lived in the same flesh that I live in. Yet, He was obedient to the point of death. He never sinned. That’s why He’s at the right hand of God. If we were obedient to God in everything, all the time, we would probably live very challenging but rewarding lives as well.

Often in my own life I have disobeyed God so that I could avoid something uncomfortable. The results I have gotten were what I wanted, but it left me empty inside because I knew I failed. God promises us that He will give us the strength we need to endure hardship. As long as I am disobeying God, I am separating myself from His power. I want to live a life that is obedient to Him. I want to experience His empowerment. As I go through life, I want God to be guiding my steps. I want to be obedient to God wherever I am placed.

Right now as I am in the Potter’s Field Ignite Discipleship program, I want to be obedient to God. Coming here to Guatemala is a direct result of being obedient to God, but I can’t stop at that. Since being here for over 5 weeks, I have gotten in the swing of things, but I have found myself missing out on what God has for me because of disobedience. I have doing the work, but I haven’t been doing it diligently. One thing I’ve noticed myself doing is going through my daily checklist, checking off everything. The problem is that I look back at the end of the week and realize I haven’t taken it to the level where I fully grasp and can truly apply what I am learning. I finish the week feeling like I left something on the table.

This habit of doing all the work but not really applying myself has been a part of my past. In school I did all of my assignments and did them well, but when it came time to put that knowledge to the test, I left feeling like I hadn’t given it 100%. On the other hand, in my work life I have seen the rewards of being obedient and giving it 100%. When I worked hard, been willing to do whatever I was asked, and had a good attitude, I have found that work is so much fun and rewarding. I want to apply that to my time in Ignite. I know it will take time to develop that habit but with more than 6 weeks left I can develop a solid habit that will take me places I never thought were possible.

Application: Today I am going to set aside a one hour period of time between dinner and bedtime, somewhere between 6-10 pm, to seek guidance and create a plan that, if followed, will help me to get the most out of my studies and take advantage of the environment that I am in for this time and what’s to come. I want this plan to start as a challenge that I can incorporate into my daily schedule.

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