Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Remove the Plank from Your Own Eye

IBS Tuesday January 26, 2015

Matthew 11:19

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ But wisdom is justified by her children.

Jesus came to Earth to die on the cross for sinners, not the perfect. So often Christians are very judgmental towards anyone who has compassion for the 'lost sheep', when the lost sheep are the very people who need Jesus the most. The people who think they have it all together are sometimes the most blind towards Christ. They see Christ as a low-life who had no sense of what it meant to be righteous. The problem with the self-righteous is that they don’t bear fruit in their lives. They don’t acknowledge that they are sinners too, which make it hard for them to love others and help lead other sinners to Christ. Jesus was the one bearing fruit and bringing salvation to the world. Those very sinners Jesus was saving turned acknowledged and turned from their sin. When the verse says wisdom is justified by her children, you can see that Jesus was the one who was bringing the lost sheep back to Him. In my own life, I am quick to judge someone who has a problem while failing to acknowledge my own sin. I need to remember the verse that says I need to remove the plank from my own eye before I remove the speck from another’s eye.

Application: The next time that I find myself judging another person, I will first acknowledge that I am a sinner and I have problems before I tell them that they have a problem.

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