Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Inductive Bible Study February 24

IBS Wednesday February 24

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

This passage in the book of Ecclesiastes is in a series of verses that expresses the value of a friend. 
Verses 9-12 says,

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes speaks about the futility and meaninglessness of life. It talks about the emptiness of being without a companion and the meaninglessness of riches. King Solomon, son of David, isn’t officially accredited as being the author, but it was very likely him who wrote this book of the Bible. Solomon was, by the Bible’s account, one of if not the wealthiest man who ever lived as well as the wisest. He enjoyed life to the maximum and experienced everything one possibly experience given the financial resources he had. The answer he gives to deal with the vanity of life is to have a companion to be there to experience it with you, obey God’s commandments, take delight in what the Lord has given you, and recognize that life will come to an end.

There is strength in numbers. One man teams often fail. There is only so much resistance that one man can endure on his own, but with the help of another person, it becomes much easier to withstand opposition. With three people working together, a team is not slow to break. In my own life, I have had friends who have stuck up for me when I was in trouble and backed into a corner by an enemy. The most devastating moments in my life have been when I was in trouble with no one to help me up. However, the best moments in my life have been when my friends were there to lift me up in the midst of trials. The book of Ecclesiastes really clarifies the importance of having someone there or being there for another person through trials. A friend makes the trials worth it and the good times even better.

Application: Today I am going pray that God helps me to be there for others when they are going through trials and thank Him for the friends who He’s placed in my life to help me through the trials in life. I will talk with my friend Jack about how God speaks to me.

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