IBS Wednesday February 17
Romans 6:16
you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that
one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience
leading to righteousness.
I am a slave to whom I present myself to obey. If I
presented myself to obey my selfish desires, I would become a slave to those
selfish desires. But, those selfish desires would have turned into sin, and
that sin to death. If I presented myself to obey God’s commands, I would become
a slave to Him. But, being a slave to God leads to righteousness, and
righteousness to life.
If I decided I wanted to cut my ties with my family so
that I could be free to do all those things that my parents told me not to do
in their house, I would become a slave to my selfish desires. This is a thought
I considered many times growing up. It’s natural for a teenager to want to
rebel against their parents, but following those natural desires leads to sin,
and sin leads to death. As I decided I was going to be a Christ follower,
though, I was able to overcome these selfish desires. I realized that I was
still immature in my faith, but I could at least follow God’s command in
Ephesians chapter 6 that says,
obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and
mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with
you and you may live long on the earth.”
I saw the promises of this commandment as I obeyed God
through obeying my parents in the Lord. I saw through people I watched that
disobeying your parents in the Lord leads to sin which leads to a lot of
suffering. I saw these people wreck their lives and decided that I didn’t want
a wrecked life as well. I truly desired that life would be well for me and that
I would live a long, healthy life. As I honored my parents growing up, I
realized that I was a slave to them in a spiritual sense, but it was much
better than being a slave to my selfish desires. The blessings that came out of
obeying my parents was worth more than what I could have ever gotten had a cut
myself off from them. I was able to be a slave to God by obeying Him, and in
obeying my parents, I obeyed God.
I know that I was by no means a perfect child. I
definitely rebelled and didn’t deserve to be raised as well as I did. I didn’t
deserve the parents I was given either. I really didn’t deserve a God who sent
His Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for my sins and raise from the dead so
that I would have eternal life. But, I am so thankful He did. That’s who I want
to be a slave to, not my selfish desires.
Application: As I obeyed my parents in the Lord, I can
also obey those who God has now placed in my life now that I am no longer under
my parents’ command. I have this amazing home in Guatemala right now. I can
either experience the blessings of the freedom that come with obeying those who
are taking care of me, or I can do what I want to do in rebellion and have the
freedoms of this property taken away from me. Today, I will recognize my authorities
in the Lord and obey their commands, knowing that it pleases the Lord and He
promises quality and length of life.
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